
about us

Alpha & Omega Working Dogs came into being ten years ago. It was a natural process, borne from our founder's love for dogs, as well as his incredible affinity with them. 

Call (856) 441-2425 today for a complimentary consultation about your pup!


Our Founder: Sergeant Ray Harris is an 8-year Veteran with the Delaware State Department of Corrections. His career in law enforcement regularly exposed him to working dogs, and he discovered a passion for breeding, training, and competing. He is a member of Shutzhund USA, the premier club for German Shepherd trainers, as well as The National Working Dog Association.

Competitions: Ray has been competing since 2005, and has won awards in K9 sports up and down the east coast. In 2015, he became a certified decoy for Schutzhund, allowing him to decoy for club trials across the USA. He has performed in that capacity in seven states and counting. 


Police Dogs: As of 2017, Ray has also expanded into developing Police K-9 units with several local Law Enforcement entities. He became a member of the USPCA to help police working dogs certify and compete in K-9 trials regionally. 

Other Work: Alpha & Omega Working Dogs also trains non-working dogs. See our Services section for more details on our obedience, behavior modification, boarding, service and therapy training programs.

Keep Moving Forward: In the future, Ray intends to represent the United States in working dog competitions internationally, to further develop and refine his work with K-9, and to expand into other working dog areas. To that end, Alpha & Omega staff are all involved in ongoing education and training programs to better serve our furry friends and their humans. 

Service Dogs: Alpha & Omega trains PTS/PTSD service dogs for veterans, first responders, and anyone who has undergone trauma. See our Services section for more detail.